
Reading the local library from A to Z


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I would like to start at A fiction and work my way to Z, and repeat in the biography, literature and other shelves, but order only appeals in theory (and the capital A in the tag cloud will become the size of a Toblerone piece all too soon).

My rules so far are to read widely and include at least one book each visit that I’d never considered reading before.

I might move to the proceeding letter of the alphabet every six weeks, every 10 books or consult a Magic 8 ball for timings.

Every now and then I reserve the right to include books from other sources, such as my bookshelves and towering piles on the bedside tables. I thought of this rule when I saw Debra Adelaide, Ali Alizadeh and Diana Athill titles teetering near the top of a particularly tall stack.

Er, yes, I’ll get back to proper rules another time.

Written by librarytart

17 October 2008 at 16:29

2 Responses

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  1. I reckon don’t restrict yourself too much. I experienced a wonderful sense of power a couple of years ago when I finally decided I didn’t *have* to finish every book I started. I was struggling with Catch 22 for about the fourth time and suddenly really ‘saw the light’: it might be ‘a classic’, but I don’t *have* to like or even read it!

    Stick with your rules as long as you love them and what they lead you to … and then when that wears off, go ahead and change ’em!


    17 December 2008 at 11:24

  2. OK, I’ll do that with Ulysses :-). Off to the secondhand shop you go!

    You have the best user name ever!


    17 December 2008 at 16:04

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