
Reading the local library from A to Z

Archive for November 2nd, 2008

An uplifting and eccentric reminder about life

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, Debra ~ The Household Guide to Dying

When I selected this book I thought
From memory, I read an online review and couldn’t say no to a book featuring chickens, Jane Austen references and a charming control freak who outdoes me in the slightly-unhinged stakes. Did I mention dear, underrated, calming chickens named after the Bennet daughters?

50-word description
Delia Bennet, author of household how-to guides and biting advice columnist on domestic arts, is making preparations for her approaching death. She cancels chemotherapy, runs away from home to re-visit her past, organises her ever-tolerant family for when she’s gone and works on completing her next book: a practical guide on the art of dying.

150-word review
Delia is the practical, efficient woman respected by all but who probably makes people breathe a sigh of relief because they don’t have to live with her. She plots and plans her young daughters’ weddings because she knows best, and causes wince-worthy moments as she takes her husband to task for not helping decorate her coffin. But she’s sincere, loving, charmingly off the rails and dragging a broken heart with unresolved sadness.

Adelaide’s supporting characters fill the pages admirably, particularly the pre-teen daughters trying to humour their mother when she needs them to know things, while trying to evolve into their own personalities. Husband Archie is a constant presence, but by the end I wanted more than the half-filled shadow sketched in Delia’s often-blinkered perspective.

This book is a keeper and will be picked up when I need to feel. It’s written and plotted cleverly and feels like the beloved journal of a batty and dear friend.

debra adelaide ~ the household guide to dying

debra adelaide ~ the household guide to dying

Found in
Home library A

Oct 08 (it was on the shelves but I have a copy)

Publisher’s link:


This is book 5 of the project.

Written by librarytart

2 November 2008 at 8:51